Empowerment Possibility Supports

Privacy Policy

Who we are

We are Empower Possibility Supports. Our ABN is 32 662 074 491. Our website address is: https://epsupports.au

Who we share your data with

We do not share your information with any other entities unless compelled to by law enforcement or other regulatory agencies.

How long we retain your data

If you send a message to us using our contact form or submit a referral for our service using our referral form, your email address and phone number, as well as other personal data if you use the referral form, will be securely stored in the database of this website for a short time. Once we have received notification that you have sent us a message, we remove your data from this website. This usually happens within one to two business days of receiving the notification.

Images used on this website

All images used on this website are either purchased stock images or have been used with the expressed written permission of all people that appear in them. If you believe that you appear in an image on this site that you have not given expressed written permission for, or if you wish to withdrawn previously granted permission, please contact us using out contact form or by calling 0404 718 930.